The Meaning Behind Traditional Wedding Dresses

The Meaning Behind Traditional Wedding Dresses
The Meaning Behind Traditional Wedding Dresses
The whole process of the bridegroom lifting the veil and seeing the bride is a throwback of the old ways when Through the centuries things have changed and now the veil which used to be thick and concealing is now thin and revealing. There was a time when marriages were arranged in order to consolidate power, wealth or land between two families and it was only during the wedding itself that the bridegroom was able to see the bride. The veil represented the mystery of the features of the bride on her wedding day. The color white symbolized the purity of the bride before her wedding day, and traditionally meant that the bride was untouched for her husband.

The history of the wedding dress has many roots. Brides get to choose from the theme and color, the menu, the floral setting for the tables, the church, the reception, the dresses for the bridesmaid and entourage and the most important item of all: the wedding dress. The details for planning a wedding are very specific. As a species, it is a celebration of our continuity as a race. Whether women agree with me or not, the planning of a wedding is something a bride looks forward to.

Everything else, every particular detail is left for the bride to decide. More often than not, the duty of the bridegroom is to show up with ring in hand and in some countries, foot the bill for the wedding ceremony. In every traditional wedding, it is the bride that is the center of attraction.


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