Find Out What You Need to Compliment Your Wedding

Find Out What You Need to Compliment Your Wedding
Find Out What You Need to Compliment Your Wedding
Your Table Plan will allow your guests to However for a larger wedding this could be awkward and time consuming for your guests, therefore a Table Plan is recommend. You may get away with just having place cards at smaller receptions, as your guests can just take a quick look round the tables to see where they will be sat. A Table Plan is essential for larger weddings.

An Order of the Day will include when the ceremony will take place and the rest of the day's events. If you are having a Civil Ceremony you may choose to have an Order of the Day. Your priest or religious leader will be able to give you advice on it's layout. This should clearly show your guests how the service will proceed and what hymns will be sung. If you are having a religious ceremony you will require an Order of Service.

If this is the case it may be advisable to send a Save the Date card to all your guests. For local guests just sending a wedding invitation should suffice unless your wedding is to be held during a popular holiday season. These can be very useful for guests coming from further a field, as it will give them extra time to make travel arrangements. Some couples also choose to send Save the Date cards.

If you are not including one make sure your clearly indicate on the wedding invite where your guests need to RSVP to and by when. You may want to include a RSVP card with your wedding invitations, although this is optional. If you are looking for an eco-friendly way you might want to email your wedding invites. Every couple needs to send wedding invitations, although you do not need to go down the traditional route. We will start with the most obvious, wedding invitations.


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